Business Listing: $39
(additional $19 to be included in our Michelle Ishio's Fit Club Directory)
Term: 1 year

PostPregnancyRehab.com DIRECTORY
: Your business listing will be searchable by category and area of town.

Listings are listed by first come, first in line; which means listing are not by alphabetical order by your business name.
Unless you cancel advertising, (lapse from consecutive sign ups), then re-sign up at a later date, you will never lose your spot.


Post Pregnancy Rehab Company "Member": $250
(additional $100 to be included in our Michelle Ishio's Fit Club Directory, and social media accounts)
Term: 1 year

PostPregnancyRehab.com DIRECTORY
Your business listing will be searchable by category, and area of town.

Listings are listed by first come, first in line; which means listing are not by alphabetical order by your business name. Unless you cancel advertising, (lapse from consecutive sign ups), then re-sign up at a later date, you will never lose your spot.

PostPregnancyRehab.com EMAIL BLAST:
Announcement welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Member.

PostPregnancyRehab.com FACEBOOK PAGE:
A post on our page welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Member.

PostPregnancyRehab.com INSTAGRAM:
One post welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Member.

PostPregnancyRehab.com TWITTER:
One tweet welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Member.

PostPregnancyRehab.com PINTREST:
5 pins of your choice, pinned on one of our boards.


Post Pregnancy Rehab Company "Partner": $750
(additional $100 to be included in our Michelle Ishio's Fit Club Directory, and social media accounts)
Term: 1 year

PostPregnancyRehab.com DIRECTORY:
Your business listing will be searchable by category, and area of town.

Listings are listed by first come, first in line; which means listing are not by alphabetical order by your business name. Unless you cancel advertising, (lapse from consecutive sign ups), then re-sign up at a later date, you will never lose your spot.

PostPregnancyRehab.com HOME PAGE
A 1 inch X 1 inch ad on our homepage, linking to your website.

PostPregnancyRehab.com EMAIL BLAST:
Announcement welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Partner.

Inclusion of your business' deal/offer in 3 additional email newsletters, (one quarterly after 1st email blast).

PostPregnancyRehab.com FACEBOOK PAGE
A post on our page welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Partner.

PostPregnancyRehab.com INSTAGRAM:
One post welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Partner.
PLUS quarterly regrams of your business or services.

PostPregnancyRehab.com TWITTER:
One tweet welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Partner.
PLUS 2-3 retweets of your content monthly.

PostPregnancyRehab.com PINTREST:
Quarterly 3 pins of your choice, pinned on one of our boards.


Post Pregnancy Rehab Company "Premier Partner": $1000
(additional $100 to be included in our Michelle Ishio's Fit Club Directory, and social media accounts)
Term: 1 year

PostPregnancyRehab.com DIRECTORY:
Your business listing will be searchable by category, and area of town.

Listings are listed by first come, first in line; which means listing are not by alphabetical order by your business name. Unless you cancel advertising, (lapse from consecutive sign ups), then re-sign up at a later date, you will never lose your spot.

PostPregnancyRehab.com HOME PAGE
A 1 inch X 1 inch ad on our homepage, linking to your website.

PostPregnancyRehab.com EMAIL BLAST:
Announcement welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Premier Partner.

Inclusion of your business' deal/offer in 3 additional email newsletters, (one quarterly after 1st email blast).

PostPregnancyRehab.com FACEBOOK PAGE
A post on our page welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Premier Partner.

PostPregnancyRehab.com TWITTER:
One tweet welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Premier Partner.
PLUS 2-3 retweets of your content monthly.

PostPregnancyRehab.com INSTAGRAM:
One post welcoming your business as a Post Pregnancy Rehab Company Premier Partner.
PLUS quarterly regrams of your business or services.

PostPregnancyRehab.com PINTREST
Quarterly 3 pins of your choice, pinned on one of our boards.

PostPregnancyRehab.com FEATURED ARTICLE:
Feature an "article of the month" from your business on our homepage.
PLUS include that article, and link, in our newsletter for that month.
PLUS post that article on our facebook page.
PLUS tweet that article on our tweeter account.


Monthly Newsletter Email Blast "sponsor" advertising:

Top of Newsletter
$100 per blast (if current PPR "member", "partner", or "premier partner")
$200 per blast (regular price)